We have a (spatial) dataframe with the blank map-information, now we want to add our data-of-interest. Two steps:

  1. Read in data-of-interst into R.
  2. Join data-of-interest with the spatial dataframe.

Read in data-of-interest

Crucial: have a variable/column in your that contains the appropriate spatial identifier. E.g. NIS-code, NUTS-code, etc.

How to read in your data depends on the format, three recommended R-packages should cover mosts posibilities:

  • readr: read/write plain text formats such as CSV, TXT, etc.
  • readxl: read in Excel-files (.xlsx, .xls).
  • haven: read/write datasets from SAS, SPSS, Stata.
# read in Belfius socio-economic municipality typology

data_muni <- read_excel('data/muni_typology.xlsx')    # Excel
data_muni <- read_sas('data/muni_typology.sas7bdat')  # SAS
data_muni <- read_dta('data/muni_typology.dta')       # Stata
data_muni <- read_sav('data/muni_typology.sav')       # SPSS

data_muni <- read_csv( 
  file = 'data/muni_typology.csv', 
  col_types = cols(.default = col_character()))       # explicit: all strings

Join spatial data and data-of interest

Recommended options:

  1. general dataframe-join functions from dplyr: left_join().
  2. map-specific helper function from tmaptools: append_data().
# option 1 (dplyr): 
data <- left_join(map_data, data_of_interest, by = "identifier")
data <- left_join(map_data, data_of_interest, by = c("map_identifier" = "data_identifier"))
# option 2 (maptools):
data <- append_data(map_data, data_of_interest, 
                    key.shp = "map_identifier", key.data = "data_identifier")


Ex. Municipal socio-economic typology

# load map data
map_muni <- st_as_sf(BE_ADMIN_MUNTY)

# load data-of-interest
data_muni <- read_csv('data/muni_typology.csv', col_types = cols(.default = col_character()))

# join with left_join()
muni <- left_join(map_muni, data_muni, by = c('CD_MUNTY_REFNIS' = 'gemeente_nis_code'))
qtm(muni, fill = 'hoofdcluster_lbl', fill.title = 'Socio-economic cluster')

Ex. Part-time workers in the EU

# Read Eurostat data on percentage of part-time employment 
worktime_data <- read_excel('data/eurostat_workingtime_2017.xlsx')
# alternatively, fetch this data directly:
worktime_data <- get_eurostat('lfsi_pt_a') %>%
  filter(age == 'Y20-64', 
         worktime == 'TEMP', 
         sex == 'T', 
         time == '2017-01-01', 
         unit == 'PC_EMP')
# load EU NUTS0 (country) map data directly from Eurostat
map_data <- get_eurostat_geospatial(
  resolution = "60", # detail 
  nuts_level = "0") # NUTS 0-3

# crop map data to "mainland" EU
map_data <- st_crop(map_data, c(xmin=-10, xmax=45, ymin=36, ymax=71))
# join map and workingtime data in one dataframe
worktime <- left_join(map_data, worktime_data, by = c('CNTR_CODE' = 'geo'))
qtm(worktime, fill = 'values', fill.title = 'Percentage part-time')

Tip: Use the R countrycode package to convert names, codes, etc. before merging. Contains 30+ different country coding schemes, and to 600+ variants of country names in different languages and formats.

countrycode(worktime$NUTS_ID, 'eurostat', 'ecb') # official ECB code
##  [1] "BG" "CH" "AL" "CZ" "BE" "AT" "DE" "DK" "EE" "GR" "ES" "FI" "HR" "FR"
## [15] "HU" "IE" "IT" "LI" "LT" "LU" "LV" "ME" "MK" "MT" "NL" "NO" "PL" "PT"
## [29] "RO" "RS" "SE" "SI" "SK" "TR" "GB"
countrycode(worktime$NUTS_ID, 'eurostat', 'un.name.fr') # full UN name in FR
##  [1] "Bulgarie"                                           
##  [2] "Suisse"                                             
##  [3] "Albanie"                                            
##  [4] "République tchèque"                                 
##  [5] "Belgique"                                           
##  [6] "Autriche"                                           
##  [7] "Allemagne"                                          
##  [8] "Danemark"                                           
##  [9] "Estonie"                                            
## [10] "Grèce"                                              
## [11] "Espagne"                                            
## [12] "Finlande"                                           
## [13] "Croatie"                                            
## [14] "France"                                             
## [15] "Hongrie"                                            
## [16] "Irlande"                                            
## [17] "Italie"                                             
## [18] "Liechtenstein"                                      
## [19] "Lituanie"                                           
## [20] "Luxembourg"                                         
## [21] "Lettonie"                                           
## [22] "Monténégro"                                         
## [23] "Ex-République yougoslave de Macédoine"              
## [24] "Malte"                                              
## [25] "Pays-Bas"                                           
## [26] "Norvège"                                            
## [27] "Pologne"                                            
## [28] "Portugal"                                           
## [29] "Roumanie"                                           
## [30] "Serbie"                                             
## [31] "Suède"                                              
## [32] "Slovénie"                                           
## [33] "Slovaquie"                                          
## [34] "Turquie"                                            
## [35] "Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord"