We need to have “bank maps” to color in. Two sources:

  1. Dowloaded file.
  2. Provided through an R-package [focus].

Points of attention:

  • We want sf-objects. Frequently already right format, or convert using st_as_sf().
  • Reduce large map to what you need: filter, crop, or limit.
  • Pay attention to included identifier.
# load general packages used below

Get maps from downloaded file

Formats: Shapefiles, GeoJSON, KML, etc.


  • Use readOGR() in the rgdal-package: hard to find a format not covered.
  • Convert to simple features-object using

Semi-random example: download the open-data spatial boundaries of the management plans of the Flemish organization for Immovable Heritage.

heritage <- readOGR('data/heritage_plans', layer = 'heritage_plans')
## OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile 
## Source: "/home/rstudio/projects/thematic-maps-r/data/heritage_plans", layer: "heritage_plans"
## with 713 features
## It has 6 fields
## Integer64 fields read as strings:  ID
heritage <- st_as_sf(heritage)


Get maps through R-packages


BelgiumMaps.StatBel by Jan Wijfels (bnosac): convenient R package bundeling spatial open data on Belgian administrative boundaries.

Load package (library(BelgiumMaps.StatBel)) and then use data() to load the spatial data for the administrative level you need:

  • BE_ADMIN_SECTORS: statistical sector / statistische sector
  • BE_ADMIN_MUNTY: municipality / gemeente
  • BE_ADMIN_DISTRICT: district / arrondissement
  • BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE: province / provincie
  • BE_ADMIN_REGION: region / regio
  • BE_ADMIN_BELGIUM: country / land

Important: the data always contains a variable/column with the NIS-code, named “CD_[level]_REFNIS“. E.g. CD_PROV_REFNIS, CD_RGN_REFNIS, CD_MUNTY_REFNIS. With NIS-codes in your data, you can merge on each level. It also contains NUTS-codes (not demonstrated).

data("BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE") # load spatial object for provincial level
provinces <- st_as_sf(BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE) # convert to sf-object
qtm(provinces) # plot with tmap

munip <- st_as_sf(BE_ADMIN_MUNTY)


The eurostat package allows you to directly download, analyse and visualise data from Eurostat in R, including their blank maps of EU-member countries:

  • Use the function get_eurostat_geospatial() to download.
  • Choose the NUTS level: “0” (countries), “1” (regions, i.e. Flanders), “2” (sub-region, BE: provinces), “3” (sub-sub-region, BE: arrondissment).
  • Choose the level of detail: “60” (1:60million), “20” (1:20million), “10” (1:10million), “01” (1:1million). More detail for more zoomed-in maps (longer download, but cached).
  • Identifier: NUTS (“NUTS_ID”).
  • sf-object by default, no st_as_sf() needed.
  • Warning: not EU-member (+ NO, TR, etc.), not on the map!
eu_nuts0 <- get_eurostat_geospatial(
  resolution = "60", # detail 
  nuts_level = "0") # NUTS 0-3

eu_nuts2 <- get_eurostat_geospatial(
  resolution = "60", # detail 
  nuts_level = "2") # NUTS 0-3



Various R packages containing spatial data for the entire world, e.g.:

  • tmap: load using `data(“World”).
  • rworldmap (regular resolution) and complementary package rworldxtra (high resolution)
world_tmap <- st_as_sf(World)


# load worldmap with resolution "coarse", "low", "less islands", "li", "high".
# for option "high" the additional package rworldxtra needs to be install, works the same.
world_worldmap <- getMap(resolution = "low")
world_worldmap <- st_as_sf(world_worldmap)

Get rid of too much map

Common situation, three options:

  1. Filter or select (un)wanted spatial data.
  2. Crop the map to the required area.
  3. Limit the visible map area.

Filter or select

Use a variable (originally in spatial dataset or added by you) to filter/select what you want from a larger map.

prov <- st_as_sf(BE_ADMIN_PROVINCE)

# filter out only the provinces in the region of Flanders, i.e. 
# where the region description variable "TX_RGN_DESCR_NL" is equal to "Vlaams Gewest"
prov.fl <- prov %>%
  filter(TX_RGN_DESCR_NL == 'Vlaams Gewest')

# filter out the South American countries from the world map
south_am <- world_worldmap %>% 
  filter(GEO3 == 'South America')


Limit visible area

Happens “at the end” when displaying the map, so depedent on what you use to display/plot. Example with tmap and ggplot:

qtm(eu_nuts2, bbox = 'France')

ggplot(eu_nuts0) +
  geom_sf() +
    # limit map to 'mainland' EU
    xlim = c(2500000, 6000000), ylim =c(1500000, 5300000),
    crs = 3035)

Crop spatial features

Use st_crop() from the sf package to crop a map to certain limits (remove rest)

eu <- st_crop(eu_nuts0, c(xmin=-10, xmax=45, ymin=36, ymax=71))

Combine filter, crop, limit

# Filter out the Benelux based on country-names 
benelux <- world_worldmap %>%
  filter(NAME %in% c('Belgium', 'Netherlands', 'Luxembourg'))

# Plot Benelux and (exactly) limit map (decolonisation)
ggplot(benelux) +
  geom_sf() +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(3700000, 4300000),
           ylim =c(2800000, 3500000), crs = 3035)