We have a spatial dataframe (see previous step 1), now we want to load and add our data-of-interest to visualise on the thematic map:

  1. Read in data-of-interst into R.
  2. Join data-of-interest with the spatial dataframe.

Crucial for linking spatial data and data-of-interest: have a variable/column in your that contains the appropriate spatial identifier. E.g. Census-identifer, NIS-code, NUTS-code, etc.

How to read in your data depends on the format, three recommended R-packages should cover mosts posibilities:

  • readr: read/write plain text formats such as CSV, TXT, etc.
  • readxl: read in Excel-files (.xlsx, .xls).
  • haven: read/write datasets from SAS, SPSS, Stata.

Read in data-of-interest: census 1851

# census 1851 datafile: 156.300 records x 11 variables
census_data <- read_xlsx(here('data/source/census1851_occupations_count.xlsx'))
# show records 1 to 10
census_data %>%
## # A tibble: 10 x 11
##    county_name district_name district_id sex   occupation_label
##    <chr>       <chr>               <dbl> <chr> <chr>           
##  1 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     agricultural la…
##  2 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     annuitant       
##  3 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     baker           
##  4 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     blacksmith      
##  5 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     butchers wife   
##  6 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     charwoman       
##  7 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     cowkeeper, milk…
##  8 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     dau, granddau, …
##  9 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     domestic servan…
## 10 Bedfordshi… Ampthill              181 F     domestic servan…
## # … with 6 more variables: occupation_count <dbl>, pst_a_code <dbl>,
## #   pst_b_code <dbl>, pst_c_code <dbl>, pst_d_code <dbl>,
## #   pst_a_label <chr>

Explore data-of-interest

Exploring and manipulating data uses tidyverse “verbs”: filter, select, group_by, join, tally, mutate, etc.

Occupations & gender

# group records by gender, an tally up all persons
census_data %>%
  group_by(sex) %>%
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
##   sex         n
##   <chr>   <dbl>
## 1 F     4775509
## 2 M     4399377
# group by gender & and occupational category and tally
census_data %>%
  group_by(sex, pst_a_label) %>%
  tally(occupation_count) %>%
  spread(sex, n)
## # A tibble: 7 x 3
##   pst_a_label                         F       M
##   <chr>                           <dbl>   <dbl>
## 1 no_occupation                 2698848  120789
## 2 primary                        285660 1298589
## 3 secondary                      762586 1730702
## 4 sector_unspecific                5001  249180
## 5 tertiary_dealers                18140   87801
## 6 tertiary_sellers                47306  119377
## 7 tertiary_services_professions  957968  792939
# add a column with the percentage of women for each occupational group
census_data %>%
  group_by(sex, pst_a_label) %>%
  tally(occupation_count) %>%
  spread(sex, n) %>%
  mutate(pct_women = F / ( F + M) )
## # A tibble: 7 x 4
##   pst_a_label                         F       M pct_women
##   <chr>                           <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
## 1 no_occupation                 2698848  120789    0.957 
## 2 primary                        285660 1298589    0.180 
## 3 secondary                      762586 1730702    0.306 
## 4 sector_unspecific                5001  249180    0.0197
## 5 tertiary_dealers                18140   87801    0.171 
## 6 tertiary_sellers                47306  119377    0.284 
## 7 tertiary_services_professions  957968  792939    0.547

Which county has the most bakers in 1851?

census_data %>%
  filter(occupation_label == 'baker') %>% # select only records with occup 'baker'
  group_by(county_name) %>%
  tally(occupation_count) %>% # count bakers, grouped by county
  arrange(desc(n)) # sort descending on number of bakers
## # A tibble: 42 x 2
##    county_name               n
##    <chr>                 <dbl>
##  1 London                10321
##  2 Lancashire             3503
##  3 Kent                   1681
##  4 Devonshire             1552
##  5 Hampshire              1364
##  6 Somerset               1353
##  7 Gloucestershire        1338
##  8 Essex                  1214
##  9 Warwickshire           1180
## 10 Yorkshire West Riding  1141
## # … with 32 more rows

Percentage secondary-sector workers per district

# make a new dataframe named districts_data with for
#  each district the counts per occupational category
districts_data <- census_data %>%
  group_by(district_id, district_name, pst_a_label) %>%
  tally(occupation_count) %>%
  spread(pst_a_label, n)

# calculate the percentage of people employed in secondary sector
districts_data <- districts_data %>%
  mutate(total = primary + secondary + tertiary_dealers + tertiary_sellers + tertiary_services_professions + sector_unspecific + no_occupation) %>%
  mutate(pct_secondary = secondary / total)

## # A tibble: 576 x 11
##    district_id district_name no_occupation primary secondary
##          <dbl> <chr>                 <dbl>   <dbl>     <dbl>
##  1           1 Kensington            21466    2274     12367
##  2           2 Chelsea               10610     529      7884
##  3           3 St George Ha…         12506     256      8937
##  4           4 Westminster           12973     343     10535
##  5           5 St Martins-i…          4187      72      4198
##  6           6 St James Wes…          5795     123      7619
##  7           7 Marylebone            27911    1140     24945
##  8           8 Hampstead              1860     293      1009
##  9           9 Pancras               31016     943     28843
## 10          10 Islington             18193     933     13589
## # … with 566 more rows, and 6 more variables: sector_unspecific <dbl>,
## #   tertiary_dealers <dbl>, tertiary_sellers <dbl>,
## #   tertiary_services_professions <dbl>, total <dbl>, pct_secondary <dbl>

Join spatial data (districts) and data-of interest (occupation-data)

Join spatial and non-spatial dataframes using general dataframe-join functions, cf. online cheatsheet for types of joins.

# Example syntax:
data <- left_join(spatial_data, data_of_interest, by = "identifier")
data <- left_join(spatial_data, data_of_interest, by = c("spatial_identifier" = "data_identifier"))

Example: join spatial data on districts, adding the counts and calculated percentages on occupations on district-level.

# load spatial data on districts
districts_spatial <- st_read(here('data/source/census_1851_districts/1851EngWalesRegistrationDistrict.shp')) %>%
  mutate(CEN1 = as.numeric(as.character(CEN1))) # make sure identifiers are the same type as in the district data
# add population data on district-level to the spatial data-set
districts <- left_join(districts_spatial, districts_data, by = c('CEN1' = 'district_id'))
# single dataframe containing variables + spatial information (district boundaries) in geometry-column
## # A tibble: 1,198 x 17
##     CEN1 R_DIST R_CTY R_DIVNO R_DIV R_CTRY district_name no_occupation
##    <dbl> <fct>  <fct> <fct>   <fct> <fct>  <chr>                 <dbl>
##  1     3 ST GE… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… St George Ha…         12506
##  2     6 ST. J… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… St James Wes…          5795
##  3     7 MARYL… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… Marylebone            27911
##  4     8 HAMPS… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… Hampstead              1860
##  5    10 ISLIN… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… Islington             18193
##  6    11 HACKN… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… Hackney               10897
##  7    12 ST GI… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… St Giles               9990
##  8    14 HOLBO… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… Holborn                8536
##  9    16 ST LU… LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… St Luke                9881
## 10    18 WEST … LOND… I       LOND… ENGLA… West London            4836
## # … with 1,188 more rows, and 9 more variables: primary <dbl>,
## #   secondary <dbl>, sector_unspecific <dbl>, tertiary_dealers <dbl>,
## #   tertiary_sellers <dbl>, tertiary_services_professions <dbl>,
## #   total <dbl>, pct_secondary <dbl>, geometry <POLYGON [m]>

Test: display joined data on a map

# fill in the district boundaries with the total count of persons 
qtm(districts, fill = 'total')